Who I Am and Why I Started Illumination Education

Hi there! My name is Hilary and I am the founder and visionary of Illumination Education. Ultimately, I hope to help change the face of education, indelibly.

Having spent years in the traditional school system both as a student and as an educator, I have seen firsthand how children are not only underserved by conventional education but also the damage and trauma that it can cause along the way. Unfortunately, the current education system is broken and despite the best of intentions from the most amazing leaders, teachers, and educators, so much valuable time and effort is wasted for far too many incredible human beings.

We can do better.

We must do better.

To start, the traditional grading and report card system places a subjective value on a child's learning and potential, causing students and parents to believe that grades are indicators of a student’s worth. I have witnessed how this can lead to insecurities, anxiety, and a lack of belief in oneself, as well as other more harmful effects that students carry with them into adulthood. Old-school teachers who insist on silence, single-file lines, and unquestioning obedience only add to the harm. It makes sense that students do not excel in subjects that they are not interested in. It is by no means an indicator of their intelligence or abilities. Additionally, on average, children sit for about eight hours a day, receiving less outdoor time than we know to be healthy. We are not made to sit for such extended periods without suffering any number of negative consequences. What students, and the world, need is more compassion, more exploration, and more child-led learning.

Kids need to be outdoors, exploring, creating, and connecting. We have a responsibility to honor every child’s unique journey by providing them with environments where their natural passions are supported and can flourish. When children are engaged in activities they love, they are provided with a chance to further develop their skills and creativity; ideally in a way that helps to improve the world around them, big or small.

Imagine a world where education means more than just memorizing facts and passing tests. At Illumination Education, we believe in empowering children to take the lead in their learning and their life. We focus on creating a nurturing environment where kids can discover who they are and what they love. Through their passions and strengths, students will more readily learn the reading, writing, and arithmetic that we know to be so important. When these skills are applied through something a child loves, the learning comes easier and is more likely retained long-term. Hands-on experience and involvement are the keys to a successful education.

The places of education supported by Illumination Education will ultimately be sustainable, rooted in nature, and largely based on play, peers, passions, and problem-solving. We will redefine what it means to be a part of a community as well as what it means to respect and foster the sacred journey that each individual embarks upon throughout their life.

No two schools will look alike. No two communities will require the same supports. Born from the unique wants and needs of each individual member, the most magical of schools will begin to appear all over, inspiring community, creativity, growth, and love that will ideally ripple from generation to generation.

I wish I had this opportunity as a kid, and I am determined to provide it not just for my own children, but for as many children as possible. I am excited to connect with others who are also interested in investing in the future and the world around us.

Together, I know we will create something extraordinary!